Recall Petitions Launched Against Half of Wisconsin State Senators

This article says that recall petitions have been launched against sixteen Wisconsin State Senators, eight Republicans and eight Democrats. The recall petition needs the signatures of 25% of the number of people who voted in November 2010 within that district. The article says that this number ranges from 11,817 signatures in the district which had the fewest voters in 2010, to 20,973 in the district that had the most.

The November 2010 vote in Wisconsin for Governor was 2,158,974. It is estimated that Wisconsin has 4,200,000 people eligible to register to vote. Wisconsin has 33 State Senate districts, so the average district has 127,273 persons who are registered, or who could register. Thanks to Politico for the link.


Recall Petitions Launched Against Half of Wisconsin State Senators — 16 Comments

  1. P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

    Safety valve even with P.R. — should be ONE recall petition for an entire legislative body.

    An emergency special election would sort things out OR have all incumbents lose and be replaced via rank order lists.

    This stuff AIN’T atomic physics.

    The robot party hack gerrymander monarchs have done a truly EVIL major job in setting the stage for Civil W-A-R II in the U.S.A. since 1929.

    Also – VOTER petitions for const. amdts and laws in ALL States — since the party hack gerrymander regimes are ANTI-Democracy — whether Donkey party hacks or Elephant party hacks.

  2. Interesting that some people are calling for the “Recall” of Governor Scott Walker for doing what he said he would do throughout the election. Although, I may not agree with all that he is doing, I had my vote in November and now I have to accept it because he won the election and is doing what he said he was going to do.

    This whole, our party versus your party, crap is what is ruining the US Government. What a great example the Wisconsin Senators are teaching the youth of Wisconsin, “If you don’t agree with something at work then just don’t show up.”

  3. Wisconsin recall cannot be used against an elected official until he or she has been in offce a year. That is why only half the State Senators are facing recall. The Governor and the other half of the State Senate can’t be recalled until January 2012.

  4. @3: Actually, Walker didn’t campaign on union-busting, according to this report in a US News & World Report blog.

    So, it would seem that he’s pulled a switch. Certainly I don’t think even is opposition expected him to come out with the plan that he did. And if he had run on an “end collective bargaining for public workers” platform, he probably would have lost.

    So the recall seems fair, even going by your logic.

  5. # 4 Gee — what is going on in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, etc. — when business as usual is INTOLERABLE ???

    Abolish the monarchy VETO — one more Stone Age / Dark Age EVIL carryover.

    Gee — are ALL govt officials supposedly the SERVANTS of the sovereign MASTER Electors-Voters ???

    What sayeth the second paragraph of the DOI — regarding ALL rotted to the core regimes ???

    How about ABOLISHING the minority rule gerrymander U.S.A. Senate — so that more States can be broken up to have more leftwing and rightwing regimes — and have survival of the fittest regimes ???

    Perhaps those which do NOT have suicidal economics — due to special interest LOOT the TREASURY gangs.

    Super-easy to take OTHER folks assets and income and give them to other folks — in the name of the public good, of course.

    What happened to the 1917-1991 ex-U.S.S.R. ???

  6. I concur with Mr. West. WI Gov. Walker, on his taped call to “David Koch,” said that when he proposed gutting collective bargaining rights, he was “drop[ping] the bomb.”

  7. I wonder if there is going to be a real effort to qualify any of these recalls for the ballot, or is it just a bunch of talk.

  8. In a Wisconsin recall, they simply hold a new election, including possible primaries. The current incumbent is presumed to file, unless they decline, so the Democrat senators wouldn’t have to return to file. The recall is schedule at fixed interval after the recall petition is filed, so it is possible that the recall elections would be an ongoing process, depending on when the petitions are filed in a particular district, and whether or not any primaries are needed.

  9. ANTI-Democracy Gerrymander ROT in ALL States — half the votes in half the gerrymander political concentration camps for one party control.

    Economic WAR in all States — NET tax getters vs. NET tax payers (aka tsx SLAVES).

    Taxes and borrowing are now about 40 percent of the GDP in the U.S.A.

    BIG $$$ at stake in marginal gerrymander areas – States and districts.

  10. Excellent use of the rules of government to affect change. The recall laws are on the books for a reason. When they people who elect to represent you fail to act in your best interests, the recall laws are there for you to select a representative who will reflect your opinion.

    Personally, I’m not a fan of unions, but I love that these recalls are likely going to happen, and the sleeping masses of Americans are waking up to the fact that do in fact control their government, and when they do not, all it takes is some effort to regain control.

    If the Dems they’ll likely put in do the same, they should recall them too, until someone represents them properly.

    If the entire country worked this way, you’d have accountable politicians almost instantly.

  11. What will the gerrymander districts in WI look like for the 2012 gerrymander election ???

    Some de facto state of WAR stuff in the party hack primaries in 2012 ???

  12. I love how over the top these union people have gotten – union busting’? What a crock. All Walker is doing is leveling the playing field, only 24 states even allow unions to collectively bargain for benefits, and federal union workers also cannot bargain for benefits. The WI unions can still bargain for wages, and will have to pay a small percentage of their pension and health benefits, so I don’t know why they have created this childish uproar. The private sector has been suffering much worse, at least these whiners have a job!

  13. the privet sector has been suffering! because of people like the koch brother AND the repugs

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