California Legislator Drops Bill to Require Circulators to Wear Badges

California Assemblymember Ben Hueso has amended AB 651. The bill no longer requires initiative, referendum, and recall petition circulators to wear badges that say the name of the circulator’s employer. However, the bill still requires employers of circulators to register with the Secretary of State, pay an annual fee, and provide the Secretary of State with copies of the instructions for circulators. Thanks to Mark Seidenberg for this news.


California Legislator Drops Bill to Require Circulators to Wear Badges — 2 Comments

  1. Gee – perhaps some staffers informed the EVIL party hack H. about some SCOTUS opinions about issue petitions.

    How about recalling H for starters for being a wannabee TYRANT ???

    Would King George III in 1776 LOVED to have known who were doing any anti-KGIII petitions ???

  2. Basically the powers that be in Cali don’t want anything like Prop. 8 to ever happen again.

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