Montana Governor Vetoes Bill that Ended Election-Day Voter Registration

On April 13, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer, a Democrat, vetoed HB 180. That bill ended Montana’s law allowing voters to register at the polls on election day. Thanks to Mike Fellows for this news.

The Governor vetoed 17 bills, very dramatically, as this news story shows.


Montana Governor Vetoes Bill that Ended Election-Day Voter Registration — 7 Comments

  1. Vetoes – an EVIL carryover from the era of EVIL divine right of kings during the EVIL Dark Age.

    Namely – the Brit monarch veto.

    Result in the U.S.A./States — EVIL powermad Prezs and State Guvs.

    P.R. (i.e. REAL Democracy), App.V. and NO vetoes.

    The various ANTI-Democracy timebomb defects in the U.S.A. and State constitutions are all coming together — just in case folks have been totally sleep since 4 July 1776.

    i.e. the EVIL monarchs/oligarchs versus REAL Democracy.

    Way too many brain dead / brainwashed folks who have NO understanding about REAL Democracy — due to the brain dead schools and the monarch loving media.

  2. Demo rep, I have no idea what you are talking about. Veto power is given to the president (provided for in the Constitution and by our founding fathers) so that bad laws can be stopped. Of course, Congress can override a veto anytime they want to with a two-thirds vote.

    Same thing with state governors and other officials. Vetoes are a vital part of our Constitutional checks and balances. They are’t “anti-democracy.” Unless you define “democracy” as how the founding fathers defined it.

    Which leads me into another issue. The United States is NOT a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. Read any of the founding fathers’ works: they HATED democracy!

    John Adams “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.”

    Thomas Jefferson “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%.”

    James Madison: “Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death.”

    John Quincy Adams: “The experience of all former ages had shown that of all human governments, democracy was the most unstable, fluctuating and short-lived.”

    And on and on I can go.

  3. The U.S.A. is an EVIL and VICIOUS ANTI-Democracy gerrymander oligarchy tending to be a powermad monarchy at certain times (Civil War, World Wars, Great Depression I, now Obama in Great Depression II)

    Half the votes in half the gerrymander districts equals about 25 percent ANTI-Democracy minority rule — with much worse math in primary elections.

    i.e. the gerrymander Congress (about 10 percent rule in the Senate due to many below average States), ALL 50 gerrymander State legislatures, many local govt gerrymander regimes.

    One result — the now 17 plus TRILLION dollar accumulated govt deficits in 1929-2010 — quite enough to cause the economic collapse of the U.S.A.

    LOTS of brainwashed folks regarding the EVIL gerrymanders in the ENTIRE rotted to the core *system* in the U.S.A.

    Sorry – the 1787 folks met in their top secret Federal Convention and made their EVIL ANTI-Democracy deals with the Devil — slavery (3/5 slave = 1 free person), 2 Senators per State, at least 1 Rep. per State, Electoral College.

    Only MORONS love and worship monarchy/oligarchy — the endless source of EVIL in the last 6,000 plus years.

    See the zillions dead and enslaved by monarchs/oligarchs since Adam and Eve.

    How many MORONS loved and defended divine right of kings — up to the 1600s ???

    See the 2 World Wars — the EVIL monarchies/oligarchies trying to take over the world — WW I Central Powers and WW II Axis Powers.

    P.R. and App.V. – NO vetoes – a tool of monarch tyrants to stop Democracy reforms.

    Most of the Bills of Rights in the U.S.A. and State regimes are due to the actions of the oldtime EVIL Brit monarchs/oligarchs — BUT with some newer stuff in Art. I, Sec. 10 due to the gerrymander oligarchs in the States in 1776-1787 – i.e. the obligation of contracts clause, money stuff, etc.

    See the book, Sources of Our Liberties edited by Richard L. Perry (1959).

    Part of the WAR for Real Democracy is EQUAL ballot access requirements for ALL candidates for the same office in the same election area — thus this blog/list.

    Remember the about 620,000 DEAD Americans in 1861-1865 due to the EVIL gerrymander oligarchs in 1860.

  4. Unfortunately for the Governor, the GOP has enough votes to override his veto

  5. #6 next week is almost the end of the Montana legislative session. The legislature needs a 2/3rds vote to override the governor’s veto. The Republicans may have the votes in the House, but in the Senate there are 22 votes that agree with the govenor. So given the time left in the session and the makeup of the senate I just don’t think some of these bills would be overridden. But stranger things have happened this Montana session. I’m sure the branding video has made it to youtube by now.

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