Oklahoma's Largest Newspaper Covers Oklahoma Ballot Access Bill

The Oklahoman, the largest newspaper in Oklahoma, has this story on the troubles that have befallen the ballot access bill, HB 1058. The bill easily passed the House last month, but stalled in the Senate after the state chair of the Republican Party, Matt Pinnell, asked the Chair of the Senate Rules Committee not to let the bill onto the Senate floor.

Pinnell is 31 years old and has only been state chair of the Republican Party for eight months. He says the situation in Oklahoma is “not broken.” Oklahomans have not been permitted to vote for anyone for President, other than the Democratic and Republican nominees, for either of the last two presidential elections. There is no other instance in any other state in the last 35 years, for which this statement is true for even a single presidential election. For all presidential elections 1976 through 2008, there is no instance outside of Oklahoma in which any state has had a Democratic-Republican monopoly for president combined with a ban on write-in voting. And, even setting aside the write-in issue, one must look all the way back to 1984 to find an instance when any state, other than Oklahoma, had a Democratic-Republican monopoly on the ballot for President.

If anyone wishes to politely communicate any thoughts about this to Matt Pinnell, his work phone at the Republican Party headquarters is 405-528-3501. The fax at that office is 405-521-9531.


Oklahoma's Largest Newspaper Covers Oklahoma Ballot Access Bill — 4 Comments

  1. Gee – Separate is NOT equal.

    — even in the OK State — next to KS source of

    Brown v. Bd of Ed 1954

  2. Pinnell is a Pinhead.
    Actually he’s right (in more ways than one): The Oklahoma system is not broken for the monopoly that keeps his party and his loyal opposition in power.

  3. It would appear that Mr. Pinnell is more interested in being the chair of a principal party than of a party of principle. It was the head of his party that championed the benefits of democracy and at great cost engaged our country in a war to bring democracy to Iraq. How ironic that it is easier to get on the ballot in Iraq than in Oklahoma.

  4. Pingback: Oklahoma’s Largest Newspaper Covers Oklahoma Ballot Access Bill | ThirdPartyPolitics.us

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