Court Hears Oral Arguments in Lawsuit over whether Non-Permanent Resident Aliens May Contribute to Campaigns

On May 12, a 3-judge U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., heard arguments in Bluman v Federal Election Commission, 10-1766. The three judges are Ricardo Urbina, a Clinton appointee; and Rosemary Collyer and Brett Kavanaugh, Bush Jr. appointees. According to this story, the plaintiffs seem unlikely to win the case, which challenges a federal law that prohibits resident aliens who are not admitted for permanent residency from making campaign contributions to candidates for federal office. Aliens who are admitted for permanent residency are permitted to make contributions.


Court Hears Oral Arguments in Lawsuit over whether Non-Permanent Resident Aliens May Contribute to Campaigns — 2 Comments

  1. Gee – nation-state status may actually still mean something ???

    Will the usual suspects complain if such is the LAW ???

  2. How about plants, animals and even outer space folks making *contributions* to robot party hack candidates — aka bribes ???

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