National Popular Vote Plan Bill Advances in Louisiana

On May 24, the Louisiana House and Government Affairs Committee passed HB 388, the National Popular Vote Plan bill. All three of the bill’s sponsors are Republicans: Nickie Monica of LaPlace, Noble Ellington of Winnsboro, and Joe Harrison of Gray. The committee vote was 14-0. However, a spokesperson for Governor Bobby Jindal opposed the bill.


National Popular Vote Plan Bill Advances in Louisiana — 12 Comments

  1. For new folks –

    NO uniform definition of Elector-Voter in the NPV scheme from Hell — among other defects.

    Will gators and birds and fish be voting for a Prez/VP in flooded swampy LA ???

  2. 1 –

    They might just as well, since in LA under the current EC scheme they get about as much attention from presidential candidates as do human voters, and their votes will count for just about as much, which would be approximately…nuthin’

  3. 3 –

    If he’s honest? It will be that LA is currently a Republican EC “lock” and that he likes it that way.


  5. 7 –

    I’d be happy to:

    The constitution states very clearly:

    “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress…

    Therefore, if individual legislatures choose to appoint their states’ electors by using the total of votes for a candidate nationwide, they are doing so completely within the framework of the US Constitution as it was written.

    In the past legislatures exercise their constitutional authority to appoint electors without regard to a popular vote in their states. That, too, was perfectly within their constitutional states’ rights.

  6. I should have said that “some legislatures” exercised their authority by simply appointing their electors (others using a general popular election to guide their choices). That practice was certainly not common and happily was abandoned by all states by the mid-19th century, binding their choices by state statute. At this point I believe the only deviations from the winner-take-all approach are two states (ME and NB)which allocate their electors by popular vote tallies within individual congressional districts. They could therefore “split” their electors. That too fully is within their constitutional states’ rights.

  7. NO uniform definition of Elector-Voter in the NPV scheme from Hell.

    What about 14th Amdt, Sec. 2 — INSIDE each separate State ???

    For the clueless – the timebomb 12th Amdt – Electoral College in 1860 produced the horrific Civil WAR — with about 620,000 DEAD on both sides.

    The EVIL party hack robots kept the EVIL system.

    Currently – half the votes in about 30 States/DC — having a bare majority of the 538 E.C. votes = about 30 percent ANTI-Democracy indirect minority rule — i.e. ALL Presidents since 1832

    — regardless of the brain dead talking MORON heads on Sunday morning TV news-talk shows.

    REAL Democracy NOW –
    Uniform definition of Elector in ALL of the U.S.A.

    Nonpartisan App.V. for all elected executive officers and all judges.

  8. #8 Once a State decides to appoint its electors on the basis of an election, then it becomes subject to equal protection. It can’t discriminate in favor/opposition of certain parties or candidates.

    If California decided it didn’t like all the Libertarians in Modoc County, it couldn’t simply decide to not count any votes from Modoc County.

    But how can it instead decide to count the votes from some entity that don’t count votes for Libertarian candidates. How can it count votes from persons that would not be eligible to vote if they were living in California, or exclude votes from persons who would be eligible to vote if they were living in California?

    What if another State decides to let corporations vote?

  9. What about children, convicted felons (murderers, robbers, etc.), mentally ill, etc. inside every State and even foreign folks NOT in any State — along with Mother Nature’s plants and animals — and even perhaps outer space folks —

    — ALL having a life or death stake who is going to be a Prez —- New Age emperor, dictator, tyrant of the world (for politically correct good purposes only, of course) ???

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