Arizona Greens Intend to Provide Petitioning Assistance to Other Green Parties in Southwest

Now that the Arizona Green Party is safely on the ballot for 2012, due to successfully getting a ballot access bill through this year’s legislature, Arizona Greens are now organizing a search for volunteer members who will petition to restore the Green Party’s ballot status in neighbor states New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada. The party hopes to cover the out-of-pocket travel expenses for its volunteers.


Arizona Greens Intend to Provide Petitioning Assistance to Other Green Parties in Southwest — 6 Comments

  1. Pingback: Arizona Greens Intend to Provide Petitioning Assistance to Other Green Parties in Southwest |

  2. #3, your are right. For instance, the Indiana LP right now could be helping the Kentucky LP, which is trying very hard to get 5,000 valid signatures for its candidate for State Treasurer in the November 2011 election.

  3. California needs help, badly! We passed a budget to get 100,000 new greens by the end of 2012, but we need hardcore volunteers. Add us on the Los Angeles Green Party facebook page and get involved.

    We also have some candidate announced. One for President, one for state assembly, and one for Congress.

  4. Pingback: Arizona Greens Intend to Provide Petitioning Assistance to Other Green Parties in Southwest | Independent Political Report

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