Nevada Supreme Court Rules Special Congressional Elections are Partisan

On July 5, the Nevada Supreme Court ruled 6-1 that special U.S. House elections are partisan elections. See this story. As a result, there will be eight candidates on the ballot in the September 2011 election in the 2nd district: the Republican nominee, the Democratic nominee, the Libertarian nominee, the Independent American Party nominee, and four independents.

If the ruling had gone the other way, there would have been 30 candidates on the ballot, none of them a party nominee.


Nevada Supreme Court Rules Special Congressional Elections are Partisan — No Comments

  1. Will the robot party hacks in the NV legislature pass a LAW on the subject ???

  2. Pingback: Nevada Supreme Court Rules Special Congressional Elections are Partisan |

  3. The NV SOS trimmed the list down to 4 candidates. Amodei/Marshall/Fasano, and Lehmann. The other three independents didn’t turn in 100 signatures and Gremban just filed instead of being designated by the Libertarians.

  4. Tim Fasano got about 3,185 votes; Sharon Angle and the Wolf in sheep’s clothing (Scott Ashjian), siphoned votes away from him in the US Senate race.

    But with him up against a RINO Establishment GOP candidate like Amodei, and no other ‘conservative’ candidates to split the vote, he will do very well in the race.

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