Article on This Week’s Wisconsin Special Election Primaries Shows Problem with Open Primaries

This article describes the July 12 special primary elections in Wisconsin, in the six State Senate districts with Republican incumbents who are being recalled. In Wisconsin, the successful completion of a recall petition simply means that a special election is held for that office. The special election process includes partisan primaries, if more than a single candidate from any one party files.

Democrats successfully completed recall petitions in six State Senate districts that have incumbent Republicans. Because Wisconsin is an open primary state, with no party registration, any person can file in any party’s primary, and any voter is free to choose any party’s primary ballot. Therefore, in all six districts, individuals who in their heart are Republicans filed to run in the Democratic primaries. These Republicans hope to win the Democratic primaries in as many districts as possible. That way, in the special general election, the race would be between the incumbent Republican, and some other Republican, so not matter who wins, the Republicans will still have the seat. The Wisconsin press has become accustomed to refering to “fake Democrats” to describe this process. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.

There are also two districts with recalls of Democratic Senators, and the same thing is happening in reverse in those districts. The primaries in those districts are on July 19.


Article on This Week’s Wisconsin Special Election Primaries Shows Problem with Open Primaries — No Comments

  1. P.R. in all regimes.

    Recall entire legislative bodies.

    Is the U.S.A. DOOMED to have Civil WAR II — due to mass ignorance about EVIL minority rule gerrymanders ???

  2. Is WI hopefully the ONLY MORON State to have the recall petition – special primary – special general election stuff ???

    Most SANE regimes have a recall election after a recall petition is certified — and then a special general election — with or without a special primary election.

  3. Of course, the real problem is the use of partisan primaries. If Wisconsin had true open primaries like Washington, California, or Louisiana, then a recall election would be just like any other special election except that the challenged incumbent would be on the ballot.

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