Congressional Bills on Public Financing for Candidates Appear to Falter

In early April 2011, bills were introduced in both houses of Congress to provide for public funding of congressional candidates. They are S 750 and HR 1404. The bills do not discriminate for or against any candidate based on party affiliation or independent status. The Senate bill had 12 co-sponsors in April but has only gained one co-sponsor since April. The House bill had 52 co-sponsors in April, 12 more in May, but only four more in June and only six more in July, so far.

Interest is not high for these bills because there is a perception that they cannot possibly pass this session of Congress. Generally Democrats support public funding and Republicans do not, and of course Republicans are a majority in the House.


Congressional Bills on Public Financing for Candidates Appear to Falter — No Comments

  1. Campaign finance reform is a dead end road. It’s time for reformers to admit, accept, and deal with this fact. That, of course, leaves other possibilities open for consideration.

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