Gary Odom, National Field Director for Constitution Party, Runs for Lancaster, Pennsylvania City Council

The Constitution Party of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, has petitioned to place five nominees on the ballot for various partisan local elections in Lancaster County. Among them is Gary Odom, who has been the party’s full-time employee for some years. The party’s national office is in Lancaster. See this story.


Gary Odom, National Field Director for Constitution Party, Runs for Lancaster, Pennsylvania City Council — No Comments

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  2. I know any news is supposed to be good news, but this is why 3rd parties don’t make it because of the comments made. If you have no plans why would folks vote for you. There is just not enough of those protest votes to make a difference.

  3. I wonder if there was a typo in the article. It said that Mr. Erb had been elected as a write-in Libertarian in the past.

  4. Richard Winger,

    Thank you for informing me that Gary Odom is not a registered elector in California.

    I am pleased to be informed that Gary Odom wants to serve
    on the City Council of Lancaster, PA.

    I note that he is in California this week, I hope he found
    the time to have a nice visit with his mother.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  5. ‘ya da former disgraced Callie Fornia lawyer ………’

    Spoken like a mental patient that was kicked out of several nursing homes for his psychotic behavior.

    Keep wrapping that toilet paper around your head!

  6. I don’t know if Gary Odom is a disbarred attorney or not, and it is none of my business if he is.

    However, what I like about this article is it gives me opportunity again to make a point which all 3rd parties ought to seriously consider. I’m happy to see Gary Odom is at least attempting it in Lancaster, PA.

    Instead of putting “all their eggs” into the basket of presidential candidacies, or statewide candidacies, why don’t 3rd parties select a small county or city of no more than 15,000 citizens – but who have partisan elections – and attempt to elect their party nominees to the majority of – if not all – of the public offices in that county or city?

    If 3rd parties would prove to America that they can win and their nominees do know how to run a government and do it better than can the Democrats and Republcans – they just might then be taken seriously when they do run candidates for President or a statewide office.

    But most 3rd parties find small electoral districts boring even though they would come closer to matching the Democrats and Republicans in campaign funds – especially in the small counties and/or cities. But as I’ve also said before, “3rd partisans are their own worst enemies.”

    Will they ever wake up? I doubt it.

  7. ‘Instead of putting “all their eggs” into the basket of presidential candidacies, or statewide candidacies, why don’t 3rd parties select a small county or city of no more than 15,000 citizens – but who have partisan elections – and attempt to elect their party nominees to the majority of – if not all – of the public offices in that county or city?’

    The IAP already does this- but they don’t limit it to one county.

  8. Alabama Independent

    Why does the city or county need to have 15,000? What is special of $15,000?

    Cody Quirk

    It is my understand that the IAP what’s to affiliate with the AIP. Who does the (National) IAP plan to run for
    President of the USA in 2012? The date for the Presidential Primary has just move in
    California in June, 2012 with Governor Moonbeams signature on the bill to do so.

    As for Dr. Grundmann and his 157 strong Constitution Party
    of California, how are they doing on registration, since
    they need 103,004 electors by the end of the year to get
    ballot access.

    Who do you see running in as running in Nevada for President and Vice President under the IAP label?

    I have been informed that you have moved to Las Vegas. Is
    that so?

    Today, my plan is to go to Yucca Valley and help get an
    AIP group get organized. Since, Riverside County was next
    to SB County, do you have any suggestion of Riverside people that want to get connect with AIPers in Yucca

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  9. # 9. You make great points and I hope local races are accentuated by the CP, but I feel that a party also needs someone running at the top. You are correct in that the focus must be on local races, and sadly 3rd parties need to invest “Senate-like campaign money” to win city or county races. The Reform Party tried a top-down approach. Their presidential candidate rcvd a lot of votes in ’92 and ’96. The Libertarian Party seems to run more of a bottom-up approach and wins a noticeable amount of city and other local races. Top-down has not proven to work and bottom-up can work but would be greatly aided by having a significant person to be the “face of the party” to create a marketing stir.

  10. # 8 Cody Quirk, August 6th, 2011:

    “Spoken like a mental patient that was kicked out of several nursing homes for his psychotic behavior.

    Keep wrapping that toilet paper around your head!”

    BOTH SENTENCES TOTALLY FALSE. Space Cadet Coty Banks Quirk is completely off base. If Nightingale, Quirk and Grundmann (whom is illegally attempting to place the [so called] California Constitution Party while running on the 2012 California AIP!) know of any nursing home …………… and professional diagnosis ……… and toilet paper incident. Lies, lies, lies.

  11. To Mark Seidenberg:

    “Why does the city or county need to have 15,000? What is special of 15,000?”

    For a financially strapped 3rd party, a county or city of no more than 15,000 people is more managable. The county or city of this size is small enough (people-wise) it could almost be a face to face solicitation by the candidates for votes. Don’t need alot of money when this is done. This happens in many southern rural counties election after election – though admittedly, most candidates are running in the Democratic Primary.

    To Cody Quirk:

    “The IAP already does this- but they don’t limit it to one county.”

    This is good that the IAP is doing this. But are you running enough candidates in each county that if you did win the county, you’d also control the government? Just getting a single candidate elected may be a “news worthy” story, but what does it do to show America the IAP knows how to govern?

    To Graig M:

    “…and I hope local races are accentuated by the CP, but I feel that a party also needs someone running at the top.”

    Yes, I didn’t mean 3rd parties should abandon running a presidential ticket, etc. But save some money to saturate in a small county with a full qualified slate and hopefully elect a majority of the public offices in that county. Then you have the opportunity to show you can run government better than the Democrats or Republicans, and then voters will start taking your presidential nominees more seriously.

    I just wish all 3rd parties would atart acting with some political savvy. If there ever was a time to get America’s attention, it is now.

  12. ‘It is my understand that the IAP what’s to affiliate with the AIP. Who does the (National) IAP plan to run for
    President of the USA in 2012? The date for the Presidential Primary has just move in
    California in June, 2012 with Governor Moonbeams signature on the bill to do so.’

    Excuse me, but we’re sticking to the CP for now and will support the CP nominee, which would likely be Virgil Goode. Maybe the AIP should have him on the ballot instead of Sarah Palin’s husband- who plans NOT to run and is also NOT a member of any third party currently.
    BTW, what’s up with your grammar?

    ‘As for Dr. Grundmann and his 157 strong Constitution Party
    of California, how are they doing on registration, since
    they need 103,004 electors by the end of the year to get
    ballot access.’

    Why don’t you ask Don yourself? We don’t pay much attention to California these days, we’re concerned with our own matters and are doing a Hell of a lot better then you guys.

    ‘Who do you see running in as running in Nevada for President and Vice President under the IAP label?’

    Virgil Goode & Chuck Baldwin or Darrel Castle maybe, which would likely be the CP candidates for Prez and VP.

    ‘I have been informed that you have moved to Las Vegas. Is
    that so?’

    Nope, still in Carson, but I’m thinkin about doing just that in a year or two.

    ‘Today, my plan is to go to Yucca Valley and help get an
    AIP group get organized. Since, Riverside County was next
    to SB County, do you have any suggestion of Riverside people that want to get connect with AIPers in Yucca

    Two bad you couldn’t seek Bill Lussenhide’s help- maybe if you extend a olive branch to the other former AIP’ers and also re-affiliate with the CP, then you could easily get the AIP organized in all of the counties down there.

  13. #9 The green party has run, and elected, local candidates since the early 90’s, but few had heard of the green party till nader ran for president as a green. We have elected hundreds of local candidates, including a majority of the arcata town council, a couple of mayors and a few state legislators. The green party has also elected a member of san fransisco city council who was very nearly elected mayor.

    But as #14 points out, unless you read page 17 of section d, behind the classifieds, you wouldn’t know any of this. As #12 points out, a presidential campaign brings attention to our issues and gives a boost to local candidates.

    btw – the green party of philadelphia is running a high profile campaign for sheriff. See

  14. # 15: On this topic we are on the same page. I applaud the efforts of Gary and the others to put the energy forth to get on the ballot in the first place. Since it appears that the primary focus in this case is to get ballot access (by garnering attention), with winning being icing on the top, then (and with time constraints this may need to be done in other states) saturate races with CP candidates who will serve if elected but are there to get the name out. Then, once ballot access is secured, the money will need to be utilized in a very focused manner, as you imply, by putting it towards winning a lot of races in one particular county or counties. I have been often said on other sites for the CP to saturate the local races in Massachusetts since they are often one-party races…

  15. Craig M:

    Yes, I basically agree with you. There are many small counties – especially in the South – where only one major party has nominees on the General Election ballot. This would be the most fertile ground for any 3rd party to start planting seeds.

    Yes, run the Presidential ticket every 4 years to keep the party exposed nationally, but when local races are won, tout them and encourage the winning candidates – once they take office – to engage in a style of leadership which will not be “hidden on page 17 of section d, behind the classifieds,” as Charles Says points out. Just think of the publicity a 3rd party like the CP would get nationally if it elected a Joe Apaio type sheriff in a rural county?

    The opportunities are endless. But will the 3rd parties take advantage of it? Most of them never will.

  16. Cody Quirk Says:
    August 8th, 2011 at 5:44 pm


    Oh really? [Yes, and you know it, you cyber bully!]

    Lake: there ya go, like Nightingale and Grundmann making it up AGAIN.

    Anti establishment Quirkie Quirk ——- making it up as he goes along.

    The unholy alliance of CALVETS (board) and CDVA is held in low reput. And Quirkie Quirk quotes these proven liars.

    CDVA runs no nursing homes, only care campuses. Barstow has no equivalent, [‘skilled nursing’ ] it is entirely closed down and the entire care campus for 400 is down to less than 100.

    Why ????????, deaths, fines, with drawal of MILLIONS of dollars of federal support.

    Not only have I not EVER been diagnosed ‘psychotic’ but both neurotic and psychotic have been passe for years [you Maroon!]

    No toilet paper. Two sided white masking tape, illustration the California DHS fine on the [totally unnecessary] slip and fall death of Paul Stevens, March 1999.

    Thank you once again for proving once again what a horrible addition you [and by extension Nightingale and Grundmann] are to task of taking on the corrupt establishment. You make the Dems and GOP look good!

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