New Zealand Votes on November 26 on Whether to Modify Election System

Since 1993, New Zealand has used the Mixed Member proportional representation system. On November 26, New Zealand holds a national parliamentary election, and also votes on whether to keep MMP or shift to another system. Here is an Australian newspaper article that describes the current system and the upcoming referendum.

To help New Zealand voters decide which system they prefer, election officials have prepared this neutral explanation of each type of system, and even provide a flow chart to help anyone decide, based on that individual’s values. See it here. Thanks to Rosa Barker for the link and the news. Although the election is more than two months away, most observers expect that New Zealand voters will retain the existing system.


New Zealand Votes on November 26 on Whether to Modify Election System — No Comments

  1. The NZ MMP stuff is about 95 percent accurate (i.e. about 45-47 percent control) — compared to the about 60 percent accurate gerrymander math in the U.S.A., U.K, Canada (i.e. about 30 percent control).

    100 percent P.R. NOW —

    Total Votes / Total Seats = EQUAL votes for each seat winner


    Each Seat winner to have a voting power equal to the final votes he/she receives (2 or more seats per district) — see proxy voting in corporation meetings.

    Both majority rule [DEMOCRACY] and minority representation.

    The CRISIS of Democracy in Western Civilization is N-O-W — due to the EVIL powermad robot gerrymander party hack MONSTERS.

  2. Demo Rep,

    It’s the first time that you put the corporation meeting plan. 2 seats at least, is a good idea. In Chile, the list that gets 60% and the list that gets 33% get 50:50 representation.


    The robot party hacks would love going back to FPP.

    Is that NZ orange person-thing from outer space — or a robot party hack monster in disguise ???

    # 2 In a REAL Democracy — a legislative body exists ONLY because ALL of the Electors-Voters can NOT generally appear in person and vote on proposed laws.

    I.E. – switch early on from original settlers in the 1600s to elected legislative bodies with area gerrymanders

    — i.e. VA colony formed 1607 — gerrymander legislature in 1618 — early plantations along the James River were first gerrymander areas.

    i.e. Gerrymander ROT almost from day 1 in American History.

  4. #3 “Is that NZ orange person-thing from outer space — or a robot party hack monster in disguise ???”

    Ha ha! Very good, DemoRep. It IS rather odd. I assume it is supposed to be a gender- race- age- and party-neutral avatar, since no parties in NZ use orange in their logos.

  5. #4 How come the New Age orange thing has no polka dots or stripes ???

    Color and form discrimination in this New Age of NO alleged discrimination against any person or other thing on Mother Earth for any reason whatever — including WAR criminals, serial killers, etc. etc. ???

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