Arizona Presidential Primary Will be February 28

On September 12, Arizona’s Governor, Jan Brewer, said her state’s presidential primary will be February 28. See this story at Frontloading HQ. Frontloading HQ predicts that the Republican Parties of eight states will choose delegates to the national convention in January and February 2012. The four early states who will be breaking national Republican Party rules will likely be Florida, Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan. The other four early states, who have permission to be early, are Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina.


Arizona Presidential Primary Will be February 28 — No Comments

  1. The national rules of the party hacks are obviously irrelevant — since the local party hacks ignore them with no penalty.

    Abolish the timebomb Electoral College and all related super-dangerous stuff.

    Nonpartisan App.V. for all elected executive officers and all judges.

  2. On the state level:

    The 1954 Ralph M. Brown Open Meetings Law and it’s lack of penalties. Public entities routinely ignore! Any one surprised ?????????

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