Federal Government Threatens to Force New York to Move Non-Presidential Primaries from September to August

According to this story, if a U.S. District Court rules against New York state’s request for a waiver of the law that requires absentee overseas ballots to be mailed at least 45 days before any federal primary or federal election, then the U.S. government will seek a court order moving the September primary (for office other than president) from September to August.


Federal Government Threatens to Force New York to Move Non-Presidential Primaries from September to August — No Comments

  1. There are some states that have petitioning for ballot access in September 2012, will the feds intervene in those as well?

  2. Under the former constitution I could see justification for the variety in state election laws, but now why bother with elections at all? Just put the Democratic and Republican candidates on TV and let them cut the deck for office. Low card wins. The people lose again.

  3. The Fed elections clause happened due to the party hacks in 1776-1787 in the States NOT sending their agents to the 1776-1781 2nd Cont. Cong. and the 1781-1787 Art. Confed. Cong.

    Will a Fed court declare that the NY party hack regime is in rebellion against the U.S.A. party hack regime ????

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