The Libertarian Party’s web page, and Green Party Watch, each have election results for November 8, 2011 elections. See here for the Libertarian Party list and here for Green Party Watch’s list.
Libertarians won partisan elections in Indiana and Pennsylvania, and non-partisan elections in Ohio. The Green Party won a partisan election in Connecticut, and non-partisan elections in California and Colorado.
Also, a no-party-affiliation candidate won a seat against an incumbent Democrat for the Ann Arbor City Council. The candidate was a former GOP council member. ( (The Michigan Daily is the student paper at the University of Michigan).
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I thought Ed Coleman would do much better. Libertarians can win but many of these voters are still voting for the big government party.
Richard, just breaking…
Libertarian elected to Fayetteville, NC city council. Who saw that coming? That’s a biggie for the LP. They should be congratulated.
Also, I’m seeing a couple reports that a Libertarian was elected in either Northern VA or VA Beach. Getting conflicting reports on that? But somewhere’s in Virginia there’s a new Libertarian city councilman.
Too bad about Howie Hawkins.