Donald Trump Says He Might Seek the Americans Elect Presidential Nomination

According to this story, Donald Trump says if the Republicans don’t nominate the “right” person, he would consider seeking the Americans Elect presidential nomination. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link.


Donald Trump Says He Might Seek the Americans Elect Presidential Nomination — 11 Comments

  1. This is similar to the Bloomberg idea.

    Only problem is that Trump is not liberal and therefore is unwelcome in the AE crowd. (look at how they answer the questions, they’re for BIG government!)

  2. Pingback: Donald Trump Says He Might Seek the Americans Elect Presidential Nomination |

  3. According to Americans Elect rules Trump would have to pick a Democrat as hi VP. Who on earth would be willing to destroy his reputation by running with that clown? Oh wait-TRUMP/BLAGOJEVICH 2012

  4. #6

    I have the perfect Democratic candidate for Trump: James Traficant…”Beam me up Scotty!!!”

  5. I have to believe Trump is just trying to get more publicity to keep his worn out TV show on the air. Perhaps Trump has been watching too many reruns of “Fantasy Island”!

  6. Glad to hear read that AE is not trying to be “a third party, but a second way to nominate a President.” It seems as if it’s a second way to nominate R’s and D’s but have them run together. If you believe the R’s and D’s have become of one heart and mind, then this is another way to ensure that only R’s and D’s are elected. My prediction is that the R’s and D’s will move to have heavy influence in the voting if it looks like a candidate other than one of them is looking like a winner. Similar to the Tea Party movement in that the R’s swarmed the movement to make it look like it was a movement within the R camp.

  7. So maybe we need a swarm for a true independent. I listened to Buddy Roemer this morning. He is a Republican looking for a path to the ballot. But he did have many good ideas.

    I would like to see many more independents voted into congress to take away the ability for a major party majority. Hopefully this will cause more independent ideas becoming part of the discussion and determining the final vote.

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