Ohio Legislative Committee Hears Testimony on Moving 2012 Primary to May 22

On December 14, the Ohio House Government & Elections Committee held a hearing on HB 391, a bill introduced on December 13, 2011, to hold the presidential primary, and the primary for all other office, on May 22, 2012. The bill is sponsored by Representative Matt Huffman, the Republican Floor Leader. Under current law, Ohio has a March primary for some partisan offices and a June primary for other partisan offices. HB 391 also provides that petitions to get on the primary ballot would be due 75 days before the primary, instead of the normal 90 day deadline.

The bill would save the taxpayers a great deal of money, and seems likely to pass. Thanks to Frontloading HQ for the news about the bill.

It is interesting that three of the most populous states in the United States, Texas, Ohio, and New York, still don’t know when they will be holding their 2012 congressional primaries. And even the presidential primary date is unsettled for Texas and Ohio.


Ohio Legislative Committee Hears Testimony on Moving 2012 Primary to May 22 — 1 Comment

  1. March 6, 2012; including a new congressional map; and reopening filing until December 30 for Congress, President, and delegates.

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