Americans Elect Steps Up Petitioning Pace

Every week, the Americans Elect web page shows how many signatures have been collected nationwide on its ballot access petitions. The new total is 2,253,037, an increase during the last week of 56,790 signatures. That is high, relative to the previous week’s collection of 43,357 signatures.

One goal of Americans Elect is to be finished in thirty states by the end of this calendar year, which would give it qualified status in more states than any other party besides the Democratic and Republican Parties. The Libertarian Party currently has 29 states, but it might be finished in South Dakota and New Hampshire by the end of the year.

The California Secretary of State is expected to announce on Monday, December 19, that Americans Elect has enough valid signatures on its California petition for party status. Only seven counties haven’t finished checking the signatures, and they have a total of 177,375 raw signatures to process. But in the remaining counties, Americans Elect already has 981,858 valid signatures, and just needs another 48,222 to be across the finish line. The Americans Elect petition drive in California will apparently be the only time any petition in any state with a requirement greater than 1,000,000 signatures ever succeeded. The runner-up is the California recall election of 2003, which requires signatures equal to 12% of the last gubernatorial vote. But, the turnout was so low in 2002, 12% of the 2003 gubernatorial vote was 897,158 signatures, less by far than 10% of the 2010 gubernatorial turnout. The California initiative for constitutional amendments is 8% of the last gubernatorial vote.


Americans Elect Steps Up Petitioning Pace — 4 Comments

  1. Re posted from Roseanne Barr for President Facebook page:

    The great thing about the pure proportional representation (PR) Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, is that it is a mathematical system based on stacks of paper ballots. With single winner districts and plurality elections on the other hand, road blocks are placed, and there is only one winner and often the majority loses when votes are split among many choices. With the Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, any name that garners 1/1001ths (or .999%) plus one vote is elected with a total satisfaction level of 99.9% plus 1000 votes guaranteed. Most US-style single winner districts and and plurality elections don’t do that, and this creates disharmony and dysfunction. We must build on the better system, because when we use another tool to organize, (no offense meant, Hon Pickens), we get one person elected to a district such as the Libertarian Nor Cal Vice Chair, and not a team of 100 or 1000 equal units. Votes may seem abstract, but ranked numbers on paper are concrete. Yes, it is difficult to communicate via Facebook, but the rankings can be displayed and items that receive 50% plus one of the tics can be easily demonstrated. I apologize to Hon Pickens for implying that he deleted my posts from his Facebook page, perhaps that’s my misunderstanding of the program? My issue here is that everyone can be represented under ranked choice voting to an exact degreel of 99.9% plus 1000 votes. That can’t be be disputed, and mathematicians agree. Other systems such as the Israeli parliament, the D’Hondt parliament seat distribution, attains a level of 50% minus 60 votes because they have a threshold limit minimum of 2% to win one of 120 seats. Should they switch to the Sainte-Lauge, the total satisfaction level would be increased to 99.12% plus 120 votes, and the minimum threshold for each name would be .826% per candidate, thus Israeli Libertarians, independents, anarcho-syndacalists, arabs, etc., (i.e. splinter groups) would have better representation. I know majority rule does not sound good to some people, but this is the basis for democracy, 50% plus one is a majority. As far as “uneducated” people being elected, I have to disagree with Hon Adam G. Kirchmann [Anarcho-syndacalist]. There’s a saying: “Three farmers are smarter than one scientist”. I agree. One who may appear less educated, still has rights to an equal vote to the more educated, and all sides are welcomed and needed. In response to “mean Libertarians”, I am tired of people trying to put up road blocks and being mean to others. This may not be the fault of individuals within the Libertarian Party, and I apologize to Hon Pickens for such a sweeping generalization, but all political parties’ rule must be fixed to take down road blocks. Of all the parties, the Libertarians have the highest percentage of cool people. I’ve been physically thrown out of other parties’ conventions, but the Libertarian Party attracts people opposed to the initiation force. They sometimes require that you sign an agreement to oppose the initiation of force. We still need to work with Ds, Rs, Ls, Gs, independents, voters and non voters, and the Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system is the most mathematically perfect system for doing that within the Libertarian Party. We have many good Republicans and Democrats who are team players. Even Hon Obama [Democratic] needs to be courted to hear about this, and we need him on our team too. Though his name hasn’t been nominated, we’d still welcome him to the team, as one of 1000. But there are many high profile people that think by being mean, you’re going to win support. That’s “old style politics”, the new system encourages team play. And we need to be kind to all US voters and non voters. To count every person’s vote, right down to .999% of the total tics cast. That’s what our team does, all that, and we register voters too. BTW, You may be any party you wish on our team, and still register with a different party (or not at all). You have your reasons why you do what you do, and we respect that. A party name is a way to attract votes and every person’s free speech liberty to a party name/category/independent must be protected and respected. You may change any day, your party/category is what you proclaim today. The word as a party name is a way to attract votes to your name when the voter is within the voting booth.

  2. Pingback: Americans Elect Steps Up Petitioning Pace |

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