Thanks to B.A.N. Readers, COFOE Has Raised Virtually Enough Contributions to Pay for Transcript in Vermont Ballot Access Appeal

The Coalition for Free & Open Elections (COFOE) has now raised virtually enough money to pay for preparation of the transcript in Trudell v Markowitz, the case challenging the Vermont June petition deadline for independent candidates. The appeal to the State Supreme Court can now proceed. Thanks to all who donated, especially the generous individual who gave $500, and also the half-dozen of you who gave $100.

June petition deadlines have been declared unconstitutionally early in Alaska, Nevada, Arizona, South Dakota, Massachusetts, and Kansas. In the Trudell case, the lower state court ignored all such precedents. Incredibly, the lower court even ignored the holding in Anderson v Celebrezze, the U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1983 that said early petition deadlines for independent candidates for President are unconstitutional. Instead, the lower court judge based his decision on Storer v Brown, a 1974 U.S. Supreme Court decision that did not even deal with the issue of early petition deadlines. The Storer decision has language saying there is no constitutional right for a candidate to enter a race late. The lower court opinion said that Storer v Brown had been issued in 1987, which of course makes it appear that Storer supercedes Anderson. Actually Storer v Brown came out in 1974.


Thanks to B.A.N. Readers, COFOE Has Raised Virtually Enough Contributions to Pay for Transcript in Vermont Ballot Access Appeal — 3 Comments

  1. Pingback: Thanks to B.A.N. Readers, COFOE Has Raised Virtually Enough Contributions to Pay for Transcript in Vermont Ballot Access Appeal |

  2. Richard,

    Previously I had pledged a contribution for an effort if the effort reached a certain goal. Was this the effort? If so, I need to send in my $$$. Please let me know.

  3. How many MORON SCOTUS UNEQUAL ballot access cases put out since 1968 ??? — ALL to be OVER-RULED ???

    See the Constitution Annotated – with an appendix of the LOTS of SCOTUS cases that have been OVER-RULED — when the SCOTUS folks actually had some operational brain cells.

    EQUAL ballot access — way too difficult for SCOTUS robot party hacks to understand ???

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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