On January 18, a Virginia legislative committee defeated HB 36. The bill would have required parties to pay the election-administration costs of their own primaries. The vote was 3-3. If the bill had been enacted, it is likely that the major parties would have switched most of their nominations to conventions.
The Committee has five Republicans and two Democrats. Both Democrats, James Scott and Lionell Spruill, voted “no.” Three of the Republicans voted for the bill: Mark Cole, R. Steven Landes, and John O’Bannon. One Republican, Israel O’Quinn, voted “no”. One Republican, Robert Bell, didn’t vote.
What was the party breakdown of the 3 cowards who voted against it?
#1, good question. I added that info to the post just now.
Nominations by PUBLIC Electors for PUBLIC candidates for PUBLIC offices at PUBLIC elections is PUBLIC business.
Is the U.S.A. having a party hack robot breakdown akin to the ROT in the Roman Republic in 120 B.C. to 27 B.C. ??? Duh.