Atlanta Progressive News Asks All Candidates in Special Legislative Election if They Support Ballot Access Reform in Georgia

Atlanta Progressive News queried all three candidates in the special election set for February 4, to fill the vacant State House seat (60th district) if they support ballot access reform. The two candidates who responded both said “Yes.” The third candidate has so far not replied to the questionaire. See here. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link.

It is odd that the Georgia Secretary of State’s Advisory Council still has not released its recommendations for changing Georgia election laws. The Council held public meetings around the state during the spring and summer of 2011, and heard more complaints about ballot access than about any other election law issue. It is likely that the Council is not releasing its recommendations until after it has received approval for its ideas from key legislative leaders, and that process is taking longer than expected.


Atlanta Progressive News Asks All Candidates in Special Legislative Election if They Support Ballot Access Reform in Georgia — No Comments

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