New California Registration Statistics Not Available Until January 27 at the Earliest

Among the 29 states that have registration by party, all such states have now released a registration tally as of late 2011, or January 2012, except for California and Massachusetts. When California and Massachusetts report their data, it will then be possible to know precisely how many registered voters there are in each party in the nation, and also how many registered independents there are.

By law, California’s registration tally is due today, but several counties have not yet reported, and the Secretary of State’s office says the data won’t be available until Friday, January 27, at the earliest.

Los Angeles County says that Americans Elect has 2,857 registered voters. Orange County, the second most populous county, has 226 Americans Elect registrants. Santa Clara, the most populous county in northern California, says it has zero Americans Elect registrants.


New California Registration Statistics Not Available Until January 27 at the Earliest — No Comments

  1. At least the other States do NOT have PURGE lists.

    Donkey/Elephant robot party hack in the gerrymander Congress — Are you now or have you ever been a member of the ____ Party ???

    See the commie witch hunts in the 1940s-1960s.

  2. Pingback: New California Registration Statistics Not Available Until January 27 at the Earliest |

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