Lengthy American Prospect Article on Americans Elect

The American Prospect has this lengthy, and somewhat grumpy, article about Americans Elect. The author is Harold Meyerson.

American Prospect also has this shorter piece, pointing out that so far more Americans Elect members support Ron Paul than any other presidential prospect.


Lengthy American Prospect Article on Americans Elect — No Comments

  1. I TRIED over and over to comment on grumpy Prospect article but can’t penetrate their log-in process. I actually think they make one VERY good point — the digitalization and complicated (for me) process at AE will no doubt rule out millions of old ladies like me from participating. I am this 91 year old political junkie who is NOT computer illiterate, have a website, etc. BUT it’s not working well for me to participate. I signed up when I first heard of it way back in June I think. Signed up with my nickname/pen name NOT realizing they would actually check you against voter records. Tried to change that and so help me, been “loused up” ever since!!

    One thing bothers the heck out of me and I’ve not (in all these months) been able to get a decent response from those in charge. They have trade as the last item under Foreign Policy! In my view “trade” is the be-all and end-all of WHAT’S WRONG WITH OUR ECONOMY — totally preposterous trade policies for two decades or, simply put, passing NAFTA. This ONE THING has more to do with my suspicions about AE than anything else. I figure sooner or later they will be FORCED to name donors, but if those in charge really feel trade belongs under foreign policy, then maybe the Prospect is right, and they are just a tool of Wall Street.

    Trade belongs under Economy. The reluctance to label it properly is matched by seeming ban on ever using the word NAFTA in the interminable debates we’ve had. Not ONE question to participants about trade deficit or what to do about China. NOT ONE!!! Romney tossed out a few mouthings (only after I noticed Buddy Roemer’s Union Leader interview in which he talked about trade).

    Buddy Roemer is the candidate I want amongst those six if AE is successful and HONEST. But who knows? First I have to figure out how to participate in the damned thing! They need special instructions for the digitalized=lacking particpants or will be 30 and under festival.

  2. Pingback: Lengthy American Prospect Article on Americans Elect | ThirdPartyPolitics.us

  3. “somewhat grumpy, article about Americans Elect.”

    True, but also as fair a analysis of the eventual outcome as I’ve seen.

    If anything is to come of Americans Elect, other than a Paul take-over, then fans of Americans Elect should pray for Santorum’s continued rise.

    A Obama-Santorum match provides space for Bloomberg, who is probably the only candidate who would have a chance of gaining any electorial votes, such that the outcome could be decided in the House.
    Along with a 0.4% chance of a outright win. (that is 1 in 250)

  4. Del,

    I’d say “grumpy” was generous on Richard’s part. More like a angst-ridden political teenager.

    Avowed democratic socialist Meyerson has a singular issue and it is readily apparent. He is worried about Obama losing the election if there is another candidate that “messes” up the math since the GOP is looking to field a candidate (Romney, Gingrich or Santorum) that will generate little enthusiasm.

  5. While the author is correct in categorizing “Americans Elect” as an attempt to create a third party for Wall Street, he undermines his own point by then trying to claim that there is any real difference between the Democratic and Republican party machines.

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