Missouri House Passes Bill Eliminating Party Logo from November Ballots

On February 8, the Missouri House passed HB 1036 with only one “no” vote. The bill eliminates party logos from the November ballot. A “logo” is a cartoon-like emblem of a political party. County election officials requested this bill. They say that some voters think that the logo is a straight-ticket device. These voters draw a circle around the logo and then don’t vote for any candidates. Evidently they think that the logo is a straight-ticket device and that they have voted for all the nominees of their preferred party.


Missouri House Passes Bill Eliminating Party Logo from November Ballots — No Comments

  1. # 2 The same sort of folks who pull out nuke reactor control rods to see what might happen —

    See Chernobyl in the dead ex-USSR in 1986.

    See the old Monte Python Brit comedy shows.

    Lots of folks are FUNCTIONAL ILLITERATES — BARELY able to read and understand language on paper — even after 12 years of ROTTED publik skoooools.

  2. See the many logos on foreign ballots (in nations having lots of illiterate folks) — animals, plants, math symbols, artwork, etc. etc.

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