Americans Elect Petitioner Threatened with Arrest for Petitioning in Public Library Parking Lot in Idaho

According to this story, Sky Adams, a petitioner for Americans Elect in Hayden, Idaho, was told by police that he may not petition in the parking lot of the public library. The threatened arrest has resulted in several days worth of publicity, with local Democrats apparently coming to the defense of the petitioner.


Americans Elect Petitioner Threatened with Arrest for Petitioning in Public Library Parking Lot in Idaho — No Comments

  1. Stuff like this happens all the time to petition circulators. This is a huge problem of which most of the public is unaware.

  2. I like the example provided in the comments about “what if someone was collecting signatures to open a new adult bookstores?”. Very rich.

    What if the petition was to expand a program giving cuddly bunnies and duckies to kids? Is that okay?

  3. Send a letter to the local U.S.A. Dist. Atty. regarding FED civil rights violations.

    The local morons may respond to Fed threats to put the local morons in a Fed jail.

  4. A First Amendment right exists to gather signatures, hand out leaflets, and speak on public property, which includes sidewalks and adjacent parking lots.

  5. We had the same problem in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

    They claimed we could only be on the city sidewalk, not the library parking lot where the vast majority of patrons parked.

    When we showed them the law they referred us to the city attorney, who claimed that the court decisions don’t say we have the right to petition other than on the city sidewalk.

    Americans Elect claimed their attorneys would do something about it, but they did not.

  6. Pingback: Americans Elect Petitioner Threatened with Arrest for Petitioning in Public Library Parking Lot in Idaho |

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