Birmingham News Carries Op-Ed, Blasting Alabama Ballot Access Laws

The Birmingham news has this op-ed by Loretta Nall, criticizing Alabama’s ballot access laws. Ironically, those laws are worse than the op-ed says. The author of the op-ed says that almost 40,000 signatures are required by June. Actually the state requires 44,829 signatures by March 13. The only statewide group that appears to have met that burden is Americans Elect.

The lawsuit against the March 13 petition deadline has a hearing on Monday, March 26. The op-ed does not mention the lawsuit, which is called Stein v Chapman.


Birmingham News Carries Op-Ed, Blasting Alabama Ballot Access Laws — No Comments

  1. SB 15 still is alive in the Alabama Senate, however advocates for it must continue to demonstrate they want it passed. As I understand, members of the Senate Rules Committee need to be contacted and reminded to put SB 15 on the Special Orders Calendar. Additionally, the Chair of that committee – Senator Jabbo Waggoner – needs to be reminded likewise.

    I was told that Ms Andi Silberman is the Secretary to the Rules Committee Chair, Senator Waggoner. She will gladly forward to him a copy of any email if it is addressed to him asking that SB be placed on the Special Orders Calendar and brought up for a vote. Her email address is

    Also Ms Janet Van Gol who works in the Alabama Senate is more than willing to place generic copies of emails in the mail box of each Senator. Her email address is Janet VonGal Again, simply ask the senator to vote for this bill (SB 15)being placed on the Special Orders Calendar and for a “up or down” vote to be taken on it.

    Unfortunately, too many of our people are “lazy.” While they will write or call 2 or 3 senators, they then tend to tire and refrain from doing anything else. This sends a message to the senators that there is no real support for such legislation, and they bypass it for other bills.

    Again, if all want to see Alabama’s current law for ballot access made more accessible for 3rd parties and independents, then do what has to be done. Contact the above persons and ask them to pass the emails of support for SB 15 on to the members of the Senate Rules Committee that we want this bill to be debated and voted on. Also ask them to pass the email to all members of the Alabama Senate that we want their vote for SB 15.

    The choice is ours. Do we want to have to continue obtaining some 45,000 valid signatures to get a 3rd party on the ballot, or are we going to work for relief through SB 15 which will reduce those numbers of signatures to 5,000?

    Again, the choice is ours.

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