Thomas L. Friedman Urges Mayor Michael Bloomberg to Reconsider and Run for President This Year

Thomas L. Friedman, one of the New York Times’ best-known op-ed columnists, has this column urging Michael Bloomberg to run for President this year. Although the column does not mention Americans Elect, it is obvious that if Bloomberg did decide to run, Americans Elect would be the easiest way for him to run. Friedman emphasizes that Bloomberg doesn’t need to win for his campaign to be useful. Friedman assumes Bloomberg would be in the general election debates and that his message in those debates would vastly improve the political dialogue.


Thomas L. Friedman Urges Mayor Michael Bloomberg to Reconsider and Run for President This Year — No Comments

  1. What know-it-all media op ed person has ANY knowledge about P.R. and nonpartisan Approval Voting ???

    or – is the U.S.A. doomed by the media M-O-R-O-N-S ???

  2. Pingback: Thomas L. Friedman Urges Mayor Michael Bloomberg to Reconsider and Run for President This Year |

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