Arizona Files Reply Brief in U.S. Supreme Court in Voter Registration Case; High Court May Rule on June 25

On June 20, Arizona filed this reply brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in Arizona v Gonzalez, the lawsuit over whether Arizona can require voters who use the federal voter registration form to answer questions that are not on that form. It is somewhat likely that the U.S. Supreme Court will rule on Monday, June 25, whether to stay the decision of the 9th circuit in this case, pending possible full review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

If the Ninth Circuit decision is not stayed, voter registration groups can get back to work in Arizona, using the federal form without supplementary state-mandated questions.


Arizona Files Reply Brief in U.S. Supreme Court in Voter Registration Case; High Court May Rule on June 25 — 2 Comments

  1. How many LIES on all sorts of forms – birth certificates, school forms, driver forms, property owner forms, mortgage loan forms, tax forms, etc. ???

    What percentage of the folks in the U.S.A. are ILLEGAL INVADERS, armed or un-armed ???

    See the ROT of the Western Roman Empire from the various tribal invasions in about 180 A.D. to the final rot in 476 A.D. — a bit under 300 years.

    Hmmm 1776-2076 = 300 years.

    Gee – Is there ANY public officer who really has ANY Allegiance to the U.S.A. Constitution and ANY State Constitution ??? — or just words on dead documents ???

  2. Pingback: » Arizona Files Reply Brief in US Supreme Court … – Ballot Access News

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