New York Legislature Fails to Pass Bill for Better Ballot Format

The New York Assembly passed A7492, the “Voter Friendly Ballot Act” on June 21, just before adjourning. Unfortunately the bill did not make any headway in the State Senate. The bill would have provided that the names of candidates for the same office should appear on the same column or row. It had many other provisions to make the ballot clearer and more easier to read. It also eliminated party emblems, probably to make more room for other information.

The bill passed in the Assembly by a vote of 143-1. The only “no” vote was Assemblymember Peter D. Lopez (R-Schoharie).


New York Legislature Fails to Pass Bill for Better Ballot Format — 1 Comment

  1. Where is that Model Election Law – ballot format part ???

    i.e. How EVIL are the New York legislature gerrymander robot party hack MONSTERS — compared to other EVIL monsters in other States — 100 times or more EVIL worse ???

    MOST New Age scanner ballots —

    Party box – Vote for 1 party = all candidates of such party [in fewer States now]

    Each office box – partisan

    Each office box – nonpartisan

    i.e. NO rows and columns as in the OLD paper ballots and OLD mechanical voting machines (1890s).

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