Mexico Presidential Election Results; Winner in Preliminary Count Wins with 38.15% of Total Vote

On July 1, Mexico held presidential and congressional elections. Although Mexico uses proportional representation for the lower chamber of its national legislative body, for President it holds a winner-take-all election with no run-off. The preliminary results are: Institutional Revolutionary Party nominee Enrique Pena Nieto, 18,727,398; Party of the Democratic Revolution, Andrews Manuel Lopez Obrador, 15,535,117; National Action Party, Josefina Vazquez Mota, 12,473,106; New Alliance Party, Gabriel Quadri, 1,129,108. There were also 1,191,067 blank or invalid votes, and 31,660 write-ins.

The New Alliance Party seems to be very much like the Libertarian Party of the United States. Its presidential nominee seemed to favor legalization of at least some illegal drugs, same-sex marriage, fewer restrictions on abortion, and selling 49% of Pemex to private investors. Pemex is the government-owned oil company.

Here is the wiki page about the election, including information on the congressional elections as well. To see an interactive map which shows the vote for president by state, go to Click on the “Mapa con Resultados Electorales Preliminares.”

There will be recounts in approximately one-third of the precincts, which is normal procedure.


Mexico Presidential Election Results; Winner in Preliminary Count Wins with 38.15% of Total Vote — 3 Comments

  1. Hmmm. One more minority rule extremist in the Mexico regime.

    Nonpartisan App.V. for all elected executive offices and all judges — pending Condorcet head to head math (requires SOME literacy).

  2. President Calderon (who cannot suceed himself)
    proposed three years ago a presidential runoff if there’s only a plurality winner. What fact explains the defeat of this more than any other? I haven’t found much yet.

  3. 2Round System Plus: Allow voters to vote for as many candidates as they wish in the first round and second round; there will be exceptions where the second round will allow voters to vote for A or B, but in general, it won’t be the norm.

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