California June 2012 Primary Turnout was 31.1% of the Registered Voters

On July 13, the California Secretary of State completed the official vote count for the June 5 primary. A press release from the Secretary of State says that 31.1% of the registered voters participated. This is the lowest presidential primary turnout in California history. California has been holding presidential primaries since 1912. One can view the press release at the web page of the Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State’s press release notes that the June 2008 primary had a lower turnout, but that primary was not a presidential primary. No statewide offices were on the ballot in that primary; just primaries for Congress and state office.


California June 2012 Primary Turnout was 31.1% of the Registered Voters — 5 Comments

  1. Why does Los Angeles County have such anomalously low mail voting, which apparently results in low overall turnout?

    Is it because the current Secretary of State is from Los Angeles?

    Do you have any information on turnout among vote_by_mail voters (ballots_returned/ballots_mailed_out)

    and among other voters?

  2. # 2 How many ILLEGAL Invaders are in CA (esp. in Los Angeles County) – who are somehow voting in ANY election — with or without mail ballots ???

  3. If they would just institute a Top One system the turnout wouldn’t really matter!

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