Democratic Party Blogger Predicts Many California Voters in November 2012 Will Not Vote in Races with Only Two Members of the Same Party on the Ballot

Kevin Knauss, a blogger who is a Democrat and who lives near Folsom, California, predicts here that many Democrats in the 6th Assembly District will simply not vote for anyone in November, for Assembly. The two candidates on the ballot in that race are both conservative Republicans. Knauss says that neither one of the two Republicans has made any appeal for centrist or Democratic votes.

His observation contradicts the opinions of top-two supporters, who say they like general election races in which only one party has any candidates on the ballot, because these top-two supporters believe this causes candidates to move toward the center. Actually, if either Republican did that, the other Republican would pounce and say the opponent is just a “Republican-in-name-only” (“RINO”) and probably the perceived “RINO” would lose the general election.

Here is a recent column by California journalist Thomas D. Elias, who promotes the idea that having two candidates from the same party on the November ballot, and no other candidate, is a good idea.


Democratic Party Blogger Predicts Many California Voters in November 2012 Will Not Vote in Races with Only Two Members of the Same Party on the Ballot — 8 Comments

  1. BAN simply deletes information about pure proportional representation, because promoting that subject is “being rude”.

    BAN spoke loud and clear; they’re supporters of single-winner district power-grabbing, veto/pass, Gary Johnson pro-pluralist types, more than they are for fair elections.

  2. is for the “top one” IRV system, and won’t give the time of day to a vote count under the Hagenbach-Bischoff.,, Gs and Ls are like four peas in a pod. Who’s next, P&F?

  3. I favor proportional representation and am on the board of Californians for Electoral Reform, which works for proportional representation. I wrote a very positive review of the book “California Crackup” by Joe Mathews and Mark Paul. That book promotes proportional representation. James Ogle is incorrect to say I don’t favor proportional representation. The only posts of his that I have deleted are ones that give no new information and merely contain untrue and rude statements.

  4. 1/2 votes x 1/2 gerrymander districts = 1/4 CONTROL.

    NOT atomic physics.

    ANY folks in CA (and many other States/DC/colonies) get past the 4th grade in a Publik Skoool — esp. the EVIL brain dead MORON media in gerrymander district politics stories ???
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.
    NO primaries.

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