Two Web Pages that Track State Polls in Presidential Election Show Fairly Large Obama Lead in Electoral College

Electoral-vote and Frontloading are two blogs that have recently posted summaries of all state-based presidential polls. Frontloading has a 2012 Electoral College map, based on a weighted average of state polls, posted on July 20 that shows President Obama with 332 likely electoral votes and Mitt Romney with 206 electoral votes. Scroll down here within the July 20 entry until the map is reached.

Electoral vote blog, which constantly updates its state polls, as of July 21 is showing President Obama with 342 likely electoral votes and Mitt Romney with 196 electoral votes. See here.


Two Web Pages that Track State Polls in Presidential Election Show Fairly Large Obama Lead in Electoral College — 2 Comments

  1. Game over! Now it is time to figure out how to maximize alternative party vote totals.

  2. National polls = mean ZERO.

    50 States+DC = 51 gerrymander areas plus the ME/NE gerrymander areas – for REAL polling purposes.

    Actually about 6 to 8 States ONLY that really count — since 1832 with the timebomb Electoral College.

    Another national minority rule Prez in 2013 ??? Stay tuned.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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