Tennessee Approves Independent Presidential Petitions for Gary Johnson and Merlin Miller, but Says Rocky Anderson Lacks 20 Valid Signatures

Tennessee has verified the validity of the independent presidential petitions for Gary Johnson and Merlin Miller, but says the Rocky Anderson petition only has 255 valid signatures, and 275 are needed. Anderson volunteers will work with election officials to find signatures that may have been improperly rejected.

The Green Party and Constitution Parties didn’t need independent presidential petitions because they are ballot-qualified parties.


Tennessee Approves Independent Presidential Petitions for Gary Johnson and Merlin Miller, but Says Rocky Anderson Lacks 20 Valid Signatures — 7 Comments

  1. w00t w00t go Gary! Since he took this way to get ballot access, will his label be “independent” or “libertarian”?

  2. On the other hand, Rocky’s undermanned Justice Party — a party that was only formed last November — is doing the best it can under difficult circumstances and will probably end up on the ballot in 6 or 7 times as many states as the Libertarian Party achieved during its initial foray into presidential politics back in ’72.

    By the way, Rocky just received the nomination of the ballot-qualified Connecticut Independent Party.

  3. Congrats to Merlin Miller. The A3P is a nascent party created in January of 2011. This is their first attempt to offer an alternative candidate to the established monopoly!

  4. Pingback: Tennessee Approves Independent Presidential Petitions for Gary Johnson and Merlin Miller, but Says Rocky Anderson Lacks 20 Valid Signatures | ThirdPartyPolitics.us

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