Republicans Will Formally Nominate on August 27, not August 29

The Republican national convention will formally choose a presidential and vice-presidential nominee on the first day of the convention, August 27, Monday. This is a departure from the centuries-old habit that major party presidential conventions choose the nominees toward the end of the convention. This means that the party will choose its national ticket before it has finalized its platform. See this story. Thanks to PoliticalWire for the link.


Republicans Will Formally Nominate on August 27, not August 29 — 14 Comments

  1. Clueless!! The presidential nomination and the acceptance speech get the most ratings. People will watch Monday and may not tune in again.

  2. They need to due this because of the fact that the city of Tampa may be evacuated the rest of the days of the convention due to tropical storm issac.

  3. According to the article, the networks weren’t even planning to broadcast on Monday evening. The article suggests the convention planners don’t want the roll call broadcast because it might be embarrassing if Ron Paul supporters don’t make it unanimous.

  4. Even with this won’t Ryan and Romney still speak on Thursday? I think the main concern of the parties is to have their guys speak in primetime and not really that concerned about the whole nomination process since everyone knows that Obama and Romney are the picks anyways.

  5. They are trying to prevent the “tea-partiers” (and others opposed to Romney!) from sabotaging the convention! Its the way the 1% rolls! There is always the hurricane, and the anarchists, for some real drama though!

  6. 1 –

    “Clueless?” I don’t think so. When you want to campaign, as Ryan and Romney have over the past few days, on the bald-faced lie (to pick one of several) that your party’s position on abortion is not identical to the position of the asshole the Republicans nominated for Senate in Missouri, you WANT no one to be watching when the party platform is approved.

  7. Never understood why the media makes such a big deal about these things. We already know who they’re going to nominate.

  8. #1 Michael: I think it’s been several election cycles since ABC, CBS, or NBC televised the roll call (“The great state of Alabama proudly casts its 50 votes as follows …. [two hours later] … Wyoming, the Equality State, casts all 29 votes for ….”). It hasn’t been great television ever since the nominees have been known before the conventions.

  9. Why are the Republicans even accepting the 19-million dollar welfare subsidy from the Feds.

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