On October 7, Public Policy Polling released a presidential poll for Virginia that asked respondents about all five candidates who are listed on the ballot. The results: President Obama 48%, Mitt Romoney 44%, Gary Johnson 4%, Virgil Goode 1%, Jill Stein under one-half of 1%, undecided 2%. Thanks to William Fenwick for this news.
A poll for Pennsylvania shows Gary Johnson getting 3%.
An Iowa Rasmussen Poll conducted Oct 7th says that 3% support some other candidate other then the big 2.
I can’t believe Goode is polling 1% only.
some where over 140 million voters will participate in the Nov Presidential elections…. 2% will be around 2.8 Million votes
Their is no way Gary Johnson pulls more votes in VA then Goode. I also think the poll that had Goode at a higher percentage in Nevada then Johnson was wrong.
if this poll is accurate i would say Goode has already bottomed out
friends these third party vote will be less than 2%
@7 with an attitude like that, hell yeah it will be.
Well…Bob Barr managed to get 523,000 with less states and less enthusiasm.
The Virginia poll refered to in this article can be found here
One of the most interesting things about it, is if you look at the crosstabs, Goode gets 2% from men, but virtualy no women support him. Indeed men in Virginia support third party candidates more than women by almost a 2 to 1 margin.
Goode will do much better percentage wise in Utah than he ever will in Virginia. I expect Goode to get at least 2% of the vote in Utah and to beat Johnson there as well as possibly in Idaho.
CNN just released poll results that include Johnson, Stein and Goode.
Obama 48
Romney 45
Johnson 3
Stein 1
Goode < 0.5