New York Governor Issues Emergency Proclamation, Letting Voters Registered in Nine Particular Counties Vote in Any Precinct

Here is a copy of an executive order issued by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. It allows residents of New York city, and four particular nearby suburban counties, to vote in any precinct. However, the voter will be better off finding a precinct near his or her home, because the ballots for such displaced voters can only include offices for which that voter would have been eligible to vote, if the voter had voted in the home precinct. Thanks to Kimberly Wilder for this news.


New York Governor Issues Emergency Proclamation, Letting Voters Registered in Nine Particular Counties Vote in Any Precinct — 6 Comments

  1. How soon before ALL snail mail ballots ???

    — to END election day chaos ???

    How many different form ballots in the zillion NY precincts involved ???

    How many folks will vote in multiple precincts ???

    How many armies of lawyers ready to rock and roll ???

  2. See the *temporary* suspension of the Germany Bill of Rights by Hitler and his gang in 1933 — following the alleged disaster of the burning of the Reichstag building in Feb. 1933.

    Suspension ended by the United Nations and the invasion and occupation of Germany during World War II.

    Next democracy election in West Germany in 1949.
    A mere 16 years of tyranny and military government.

    Germany re-united early 1990s — about a mere 60 years after the Hitler machinations.

  3. I think that there is still time for the Governor to modify his Election Day response. I think that New York State should simply POSTPONE the local aspect of the elections in those counties. Let everyone in those counties SIMPLY vote for President and Statewide races. And, then hold the local elections in 3 or 4 weeks, when there is electricity at polling places again. The way it stands, a lot of people are going to get maneuvered out of expressing their will in their local elections. Also, having people vote on affidavit ballots gives a really false sense of security. It is just too easy for affidavit ballots to be challenged and discounted.

  4. #3-Another option is to write-in your local candidate with their CD, SD, or AD District number. The Governor would have to modify the Election Law that states: write-in votes for a candidate that is already on the ballot is not counted.

  5. I always thought that in Bush vs. Gore in 2000, the Supreme Court ruled that you can’t change the rules while the election is going on, which is what the Florida Supreme Court had done. I’m not a lawyer, but couldn’t a losing candidate use that ruling in order to try to throw some votes against him out?

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