Would Mitt Romney Have Been Better Off Running as the Americans Elect Nominee?

Last year, top leaders of Americans Elect tried very hard to persuade Mitt Romney to seek the Americans Elect nomination. If Romney had done so, obviously he would have won that nomination. His campaign could then have presented him as an independent-minded centrist, and his stands on issues in this year’s presidential election would probably have been consistent with the values he expressed when he ran for U.S. Senate in 1994 and when he was elected Governor in 2002.

As the Americans Elect nominee, he would have looked courageous and innovative. Because he is so wealthy, and because he has many wealthy backers, his campaign could have been financially competitive with the two major party nominees.


Would Mitt Romney Have Been Better Off Running as the Americans Elect Nominee? — 5 Comments

  1. Romney has now displayed himself as such a political opportunist that I doubt he will be on anyone’s ticket in the future. He will probably spend the rest of his career speaking and writing to pay for his campaigns.

  2. Richard,

    Was this information public about AE seeking Romney as its candidate or is this your inside scoop?

    It would’ve certainly been interesting.

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