Under current federal law, corporations are not permitted to donate to the campaigns of candidates for federal office. A few years ago, William Danielczyk was prosecuted for breaking several federal campaign finance laws. One of the charges against him is that he allowed a corporation that he controls to make a contribution. He is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down the federal law that makes it illegal for corporations to donate to federal campaigns. On December 9, the government filed this brief, asking the Court not to hear Danielczyk’s appeal.
The part on pages 17-18, comparing corporations to children, is somewhat amusing. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.
What ??? – An invisable corporation *person* is controlled by a mere human person ???
A form of corporation slavery ???
Regardless of the MORON courts – see Blackstone’s Commentaries — the Of Corporations chapter in Book I.
As I walk into the supermarket, someone gives me 20 dollars. They tell me I can buy anything I want with it except alcohol. I put the bill in my left pocket.
I buy a bottle of gin, but I carefully pay for it with a twenty dollar bill that I take out of my left pocket.
Who paid for the booze?
Assets – Liabilities = Net Worth
Income – Outgo = Net Income
Way too difficult for the econ MORONS in New Age govts to understand.
Such MORONS ONLY know how to INFLATE/BAILOUT — esp for EVIL corporations — banks, shadow banks, car corps, etc.
#2 — LAW 001
Direct = Indirect
Do or NOT Do
One more basic legal point now totally messed up by the SCOTUS robot party hacks.