Alton, Illinois, held city elections on April 9, 2013, and only one name appeared on the ballot for Mayor. However, a candidate who had tried and failed to get on the ballot won the election on write-in votes. See this story. Alton has a population of 27,865. Thanks to Ken Bush for the link.
The write-in winner had run for mayor in 2009 and finished 2nd in a 3-way race, where the current mayor was elected with a 44%:33%:20% plurality. It is conceivable that he would have won in a runoff.
The reason for keeping him off the ballot was because of allegations of non-payment of utility bills by tenants on properties he owns. The “person” filing the challenge had “heard” about the alleged non-payment from the incumbent mayor at a “meeting of residents”.
If someone can be kept off the ballot for non-payment of utility bills, can they be elected? Isn’t the reason for disqualifying someone for candidacy because they are disqualified for the office?
The city election board that kept the challenger off the ballot, includes the city clerk and two alderman, all who were running for re-election, and had also signed the incumbent mayor’s petition. The city clerk has the same last name (Bould) as yet another alderman running for re-election.
I’am sure that in 2009, the mayor encouraged a token third person to run for mayor for the reason to just take votes away from Mr. Walker. Well, it worked. Now, in 2013, the token third candidate only received 13 votes. Nice try Mr. X mayor you lose.
Congradulations Mr. Mayor Elect Walker.
This should show the people of Alton that you are a fighter and are willing to fight for them and the Good OL Boy Club is dead.
The people (that voted) have spoken.