Ralph Nader Co-Signs Letter with Bruce Fein, Urging President Obama to Release Innocent Guantanamo Prisoners

On May 3, Ralph Nader and Bruce Fein co-signed a letter to President Obama, pointing out that no U.S. law prohibits Obama from releasing those Guantanamo prisoners who are legally innocent. The letter says that 86 of the 166 prisoners fit this description. Here is the letter.

Bruce Fein is a former Associate Deputy Attorney General under President Ronald Reagan. Thanks to HowAppealing for the link.


Ralph Nader Co-Signs Letter with Bruce Fein, Urging President Obama to Release Innocent Guantanamo Prisoners — No Comments

  1. It’s a well reasoned letter, but Obama probably won’t give a darn about it. Or worse, he’ll ignore it. Guantanamo and our entire conduct of the so-called “war on terrorism” has been a blot upon our nation that will take years, or even decades, to recover from if such a process to do so is ever started in the first place.

  2. ALL 3 branches in Dumb City are brain dead ignorant about the old time *terrorists* for thousands of years

    — i.e. *stateless* PIRATES — the enemies of ALL humankind on the High Seas.

    See the 1790 Crimes Act and the later USA anti-piracy laws after the War of 1812.

    ARREST alleged pirates – take them to the USA – 5th Amdt indictments, 6th Amdt trials by jury, if convicted they got HUNG until DEAD.

    How many ordinary criminal complaints/indictments are pending against any of the alleged 911 folks, domestic or foreign in any of the States (MA, NY, PA, etc.) and DC (Pentagon crash) involved in the 911 CRIMES – murder, conspiracy, arson (plane fires), etc. ???

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