Wyoming Constitution Party May Succeed in Qualifying a Statewide Referendum

On March 2, the Wyoming Constitution Party launched a referendum petition, which requires the signatures of 15% of the state’s registered voters, and is due May 28. The exact requirement is 37,606 signatures. The petition would ask for a public vote on SF 104, which the legislature passed in January 2013. SF 104 removes the elected Superintendent of Public Instruction from her position as chair of the state Education Department, and gives the Governor power to appoint someone instead.

The pace of signature collection has greatly improved this month, and there is some reason to belief the petition may succeed. See this story, which was written two weeks ago and does not discuss the pace of petitioning, but which does illustrate the growing support for the referendum. No statewide referendum petition has succeeded in Wyoming since 1996.


Wyoming Constitution Party May Succeed in Qualifying a Statewide Referendum — No Comments

  1. If they succeed in getting this referendum on the ballot that will be quite an accomplishment because it is very difficult to qualify an initiative or referendum for the ballot in Wyoming. I’m wondering if they have hired any paid petition circulators. It would be even more difficult to qualify this referendum for the ballot in Wyoming without the use of paid petition circulators.

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