Senator Rand Paul Tells Group “I am not a libertarian”

Senator Rand Paul, according to this story, recently said in a speech, “I am not a libertarian.” Thanks to PoliticalWire for the link.


Senator Rand Paul Tells Group “I am not a libertarian” — No Comments

  1. Perhaps Richard Winger is struggling to understand what it means to have a word by a name. The guy says he’s a Republican. So what’s the story line here?

    The story line is that ballot access is about a word by the name. There’s no mystery here.

  2. When Rand said “I am not a Libertarian”, did he have his head tilted slightly lower with both his hands up in the air giving a “V” sign on each hand? Ala Nixon.

  3. This notion of freedom to the Republicans really means, some people will have more freedom then others even though we have freedom for all.

  4. He and his dad are terrible for the Libertarian Party. They keep pulling voters into the Republican party.

  5. I knew he wasn’t one when he decided to endorse Sanford in the recent South Carolina election.

  6. I hired a Libertarian plumber once. It was a horrible experience. His first comment when he walked into the house was “You have too much plumbing.” Then he refused to fix a leaky sink, saying “I don’t believe throwing more copper tubing at the problem solves it. Just shut off the water supply to the house.”

    I asked him “Why on earth are you a plumber?”

    He responded “Hey – someone has to make the case for less plumbing. Um…Duh?”

    Then he asked me to call him again if I had another problem with plumbing. “All those other guys want to do is put in more plumbing. Smarten up!”

  7. Rand Paul is a piece of crap. Just because he’s Ron Paul’s son doesn’t mean he shares Ron Paul’s views. People were RIDICULOUSLY foolish in thinking he did. If someone runs as a Republican, 99.9999% of the time he/she is a Republican, not a libertarian. You want libertarian victory? Vote Libertarian.

  8. “’I’m not advocating everyone go out and run around with no clothes on and smoke pot,’ Paul insisted last Friday while speaking to a group of religious Republicans in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.”

    Libertarianism is about individual freedom, and not initiating force and fraud against others. Running around without clothes and smoking pot has little to do with overall libertarian philosophy. I don’t know too many libertarians that want to run around nake while smoking pot. Sure, some libertarians smoke pot, and some smoke it more often than others, but I don’t know too many libertarians who want to run around naked. Neither activity defines one as a libertarian.

    “Mindful of evangelical contempt for libertarianism—one attendee told The Washington Post, ‘Straight libertarianism has nothing Christian about it'”

    The attendee who said this is obivously confused or uniformed, or maybe they are just stupid. Libertarianism can certainly be compatable with Christianity. Has this person never heard of the Golden Rule? The key to being a libertarian is not initiating force and fraud, including not delegating to other people to initiate force and fruad. A libertarian could be a Christian or an atheist or whatever other belief, just so long as they do not initiate force or fraud.

  9. #13: I went to Catholic schools and I voted for Ron Paul in 1988. Would Christ raise tuition twice inflation? Why do Libertarians work for state universities? Hypocrisy!

  10. @12 Siple. S-I-P-L-E. It’s my real last name. You’re a moron who can’t read.

  11. So – Is Rand Paul just one more New Age Elephant control freak fascist (along with the New Age Donkey control freak communists) in the gerrymander Congress ???
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  12. You’re a moron who uses ad hominem attacks. Doesn’t feel too good when the shoe’s on the other foot, does it?

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