Roseanne Barr Discusses her Presidential Race in Esquire

Esquire Magazine has this interview with Roseanne Barr, and quite a bit of it discusses her run for President last year. The Esquire interviewer is correct when he said to her that she came in sixth.


Roseanne Barr Discusses her Presidential Race in Esquire — No Comments

  1. The always bizarre Barr told other interviews that she is still wanting to form another HER OWN party as well. On the Peace and Freedom Party web site she barely mentioned at all, and almost never mentions the PF party.
    But i always enjoy whacked out Conspiracy theories, rants against Jews, and that the CIA has mind control!!

    Aren’t publicity stunts by has beens fun!!!

  2. yes .. some where on the site u can find it- not on the front page and she still tell reporters she wants to form her own party!!

  3. Why would we expect the P&F party to mention Roseanne prominently on their site? She’s not a current candidate for office. I don’t see any prominent mentions of Mitt Romney on the Republican Party web site at

  4. LOL.. as a Green, we list Dr. Jill Stein on a site, have her organize and raise money across the nation.Has Barr raised any money post election for the party? Promoted the party after the election?? PF is in a hand full of states and could raise the profile, but she fooled the party into thinking she was a real candidate.
    Talking about forming her OWN party, she is in it for herself.

  5. Apparently, Roseanne Barr wants to become the Alan Keyes of the left. That worked real well for him, didn’t it?

  6. In talking with Roseanne on Twitter, she hinted at another run with the PFP, but then expressed doubts as they’re “a bunch of commies”. I suggested she explore running with the Justice Party, and offered to help petition in my home state of PA.

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