Pennsylvania Bill to Ban Fusion Moves Ahead

On May 15, the Pennsylvania House State Government Committee passed HB 1020. The bill, as originally introduced, makes it impossible for candidates for School Board (a partisan office) to file in the primaries of more than one party. However, the Committee amended the bill, to make it impossible for anyone to file in the primary of more than one party for any office.

The wording of the amendment is not yet available. It is not clear if the amendment will block candidates from receiving the primary nomination of a political party (that the candidate is not a member of) by write-ins at the primary. In every election, there are Republicans running for the Pennsylvania legislature who receive the nomination of the Democratic Party as well as the Republican Party, by write-ins in the primary. The same is true in reverse. For example, in 2012, there were nine Republican legislative nominees who also won the Democratic nomination, and appeared on the November ballot as the nominee of both major parties; and also there were four Democratic legislative nominees who also won the Republican nomination. Thanks to Michael Thompson for this news.


Pennsylvania Bill to Ban Fusion Moves Ahead — No Comments

  1. Hmmm. Will Civil WAR II start in Philly – having the Liberty Bell — between the D/R and R/D robot party hacks ???

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. Fusion is not a good voting system because names appear on the ballot more than once.

    Fusion causes disproportionate results, problems for vote counters and is not helpful to those promoting pure proportional representation (PR).

    Would you like to see elected representation exactly proportional to the number of votes cast for each name? Try pure proportional representation (PR)!

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    It’s the Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, Hagnebach-Bischoff method, under ranked choice voting (RCV).

    Get in touch today and let’s unite!

    Very truly yours,
    –James Ogle
    (415) 686-1996

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