Abortion Vote in U.S. House Suggests Type of Primary Does Not Influence Congressional Behavior

On June 18, the U.S. House passed HR1797 by 228-196. The bill bans abortions after twenty weeks. It allows exceptions for rape and incest, but only if the rape or incest had already been reported to police. The bill passed on a virtual party line vote. Republicans voted for the bill 222-6, and Democrats voted against it 190-6.

The six Republicans who voted against the bill included two Republicans who said they voted against the bill because it has an exception for rape or incest. The four Republicans who voted against the bill because they are opposed to further restriction of abortion are all from states that have closed or semi-closed primaries: Charles Dent of Pennsylvania (a closed primary state); Richard Hanna of New York (a closed primary state); and Rodney Freylinghuysen and Jon Runyan, both of New Jersey (a semi-closed primary state).

Proponents of top-two primaries constantly preach that a top-two system produces more moderate legislators, but the June 18 vote is another fragment of evidence that they are wrong. Political science research generally finds no correlation between partisanship and type of primary.


Abortion Vote in U.S. House Suggests Type of Primary Does Not Influence Congressional Behavior — No Comments

  1. What in Hell part of the nearly dead 1787 USA Const. gives ANY power for the gerrymander minority rule Congress to pass any anti abortion stuff within a sovereign State ???

    What’s next – a TOTAL Fed code for ALL crimes and ALL civil injuries in the nearly DEAD States ???

    SCOTUS started the MAJOR rot in 1937 with its perversions regarding the interstate commerce clause.

  2. What power? Commerce, of course. The interstate commerce clause has been interpreted to let Congress regulate things that are neither interstate nor commerce.

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