California Repeals 1941 Law that Required “Subversive Organizations” to Register with Secretary of State

On August 16, California Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 1405, which repeals the “Subversive Organization Registration Law” found in section 35000ff of the Corporations Code. The law, passed in 1941, requires groups that were organized for the purpose of undermining the democratic form of government to register with the Secretary of State. The law defined “group” as any two or more individuals. The law made it a felony for officers of the group to fail to file, and a misdemeanor for any member of an unregistered group to continue to be a member. During World War II, one group was prosecuted because it allegedly issued propaganda in support of the German and Italian governments, but the conviction was overturned in the State Court of Appeals.

The California Election Code still contains sections 5102 and 5200, which say that subversive political parties must be removed from the ballot. These laws were passed in 1953 and have never been used. California is one of only six states that still bans certain parties from the ballot based on their teachings. Thanks to AroundtheCapitol for this news.


California Repeals 1941 Law that Required “Subversive Organizations” to Register with Secretary of State — No Comments

  1. If this stuff was actually enforced, the Democratic and Republican parties would have to be removed from the ballot.

  2. @Andy Haha, great point!! but they never would have done it b/c Cali is too interested in keeping the Demoplican stranglehold.

  3. Nonstop subversion of Democracy by the 2 Donkey / Elephant gangs via minority rule gerrymanders – esp. since 1964.

    i.e. the USA and State regimes are nonstop EVIL oligarchy regimes – almost tyrant monarchy regimes – Prezs and Govss.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  4. 1 – 2- 3…

    duopoly…blah blah blah…evil regimes…blah blah blah…all the same…blah blah blah…

  5. @4, Yes, I agree the way the political elites and the people with the money who promote the political Duopoly in the US does become daunting and numbing.

  6. Anyone who makes the case that the two halves of the so-called “duopoly” are equivalent in every important respect is not paying much attention to anything of social, economic, or scientific significance.

  7. Bennie – the case is NOT that the two statist parties are the same in every single way possible. [Generalities]The case is that both parties inherently take away our liberties in different ways – GOP is a mixture of good fiscal conservatives and mealy-mouthed establishment ppl on economic issues but is almost totalitarian on most social issues, while the Dems are totalitarian on the economy and more free on the social issues.[/Generalities]

    Yes, there are exceptions in both parties, but in general they are both part of the same statist mess.

  8. Hmmm…different but the same, eh?

    Tell you what. Let’s each send Richard $5,000 to hold for a wager. You submit a list of Democrats who have voted for laws at the state level to restrict voters’ access to the polls, and I’ll submit a list of Republicans who have done so. If I can’t come up with 20 for every one of yours, you get the cash.

    But yes, different but the same. Republicans support racist laws and policies, are anti-democracy, are beholden to only the super wealthy in this country, piss on the poor, take food out of kids’ mouths, oppose public education, oppose collective bargaining, regard women as lesser beings than men…and Democrats are the cause of everything else that’s wrong in this country.

    Yes, I see it now. Thanks.

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