Fifteen candidates will appear on the November 5, 2013 ballot for Mayor of New York city. They are: Bill de Blasio, Democratic-Working Families; Joe Lhota, Republican-Conservative-Students First; Adolfo Carrion, Independence; Anthony Gronowicz, Green; Michael Sanchez, Libertarian; Dan Fein, Socialist Workers; Carl Person, Reform; Randy Credico, Tax Wall Street; Michael Dilger, Flourish Every Person; Jimmy McMillan, Rent is 2 Damn High; Joe Melaragno, Affordable Tomorrow; Jack Hidary, Jobs & Education; Mike Greys, Freedom; Erick Salgado, School Choice; Sam Sloan, War Veterans.
This is the highest number of candidates for New York city in a general election in the history of government-printed ballots.
I thought McMillan got kicked off?
Yes that’s what I was thinking too. Last I heard he was busy challenging his removal in court. Guess he succeeded?…
NONPARTISAN elections for all elected executive officers and all judges via Approval Voting – vote for 1 or more, highest win.
Might actually elect some executive officers who are NOT wannabee Dictator / Tyrants.
Yes, Jimmy McMillan won his court case. I wish I knew what the issues were.
Jack Hidary’s name is misspelled.
What are the requirements to get on the ballot for Mayor in New York City?
I think this might not be such a good thing.
3,500 signatures. In the past the law required 7,000 signatures but the City Council cut the number in half last year.
Thank you. I have now fixed the misspelling.
What’s the source for this? I’d like to know who’s on the ballot for other NYC positions too.
I phoned the New York city board of elections. It wasn’t easy on either the employee or me, getting all those names and party labels over the phone. At the time the Board hadn’t put the list on its web page. I haven’t checked the Board’s web page today to see if the candidate list is finally up.
Dan Fein “Socialist Workers” ! what is that all about?