Michigan Libertarians File Brief in U.S. Supreme Court on Whether Gary Johnson Should Have Been Kept off 2012 Ballot

On September 30, the Michigan Libertarian Party filed this cert petition with the U.S. Supreme Court in Libertarian Party of Michigan v Ruth Johnson. The issue is whether sore loser laws in Michigan and nationally can be applied to presidential primaries. The Michigan Secretary of State wouldn’t put Gary Johnson on the ballot as the Libertarian nominee last year because his name had appeared on the Michigan Republican presidential primary, held in January 2012. Johnson’s name was on the Republican presidential primary ballots in 7 other states in 2012, but no other state kept him off the general election ballot for that reason.

UPDATE: the case number is 13-421.


Michigan Libertarians File Brief in U.S. Supreme Court on Whether Gary Johnson Should Have Been Kept off 2012 Ballot — No Comments

  1. Exactly WHO was LATE in filing the Johnson paperwork in 2011-2012 — producing the major legal chaos later and up to now ???

    Elections operate on DEADLINES – NOT to be played games with.

  2. Johnson was put on the Republican presidential primary automatically by the Secretary of State. He didn’t file to be on that primary ballot. His withdrawal was 2 minutes late.

    The courts below agreed that the party had standing, so standing is not a problem.

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