New Los Angeles County Registration Data

California does not release a statewide registration tally during odd years, except once near the beginning of the year. But Los Angeles County keeps a running tally, and since the county has 26% of the population of California, the Los Angeles County data is significant. See the tally at this link. Scroll down.

The October 13 tally shows that during the last month, every qualified party has more registrants than it had on September 10, except for the Republican Party, although the changes are slight.

The totals for October 13 are: Democratic 2,463,594; Republican 1,032,655; American Independent 109,018; Peace & Freedom 33,169; Libertarian 26,166; Green 24,587; Americans Elect 2,478; miscellaneous and people who leave the party choice question blank 306,594; independent 853,384.

The totals for September 10 were: Democratic 2,454,773; Republican 1,032,775; American Independent 108,275; Peace & Freedom 31,838; Libertarian 25,882; Green 24,473; Americans Elect 2,471; miscellaneous and blank 290,557; independent 854,712.


New Los Angeles County Registration Data — No Comments

  1. How soon before ALL Elephants move OUT / escape from the CA Soviet Socialist Republic and leave the Donkeys to eat each other ???

  2. Aren’t the California instructions on the federal postcard registration form inconsistent with the arguments that the SOS has made in defending her interpretation of Proposition 14 and SB 6.

    BTW, LA never answered. I’m trying Alameda County, now.

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